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The company and owner:
This is actually basically a one man business from home with a little help from family. No big shop with a bunch of employees, just a single skilled passionate woodworker who has been in the trade since I was 18. That's why you know each and everyone of these is going to be done well and right, because it's the same guy doing them all, and I truly do care about the quality of the product I put out there. It started with me selling a few small shelves on the side, and someone asking me for a shelf on each side of their TV. After throwing out the idea of covering the whole wall and I saw how good it was after, the business started. 

The product:
Nothing flimsy or weak about this. The standard product is 1.5 inch thick industrial studs. The key to the sharp and elegant rustic look is a higher quality product of material to begin with, and picking through the material knowing which pieces will look the best after being stained and finished. We use a brush on wipe off method for best results in showing off the quality and beauty of the grain in the wood. 

Getting started:
To get started we arrange a time where I would come visit for a free estimate and go over what you are looking for. I'd bring sample colors and we talk and I go over as many ideas as possible as I get a sense of what it is you're looking for. During that process I'd take measurements of your area. Then I draw up multiple designs after and send them over. Usually clients find a perfect design they like on the first try. Or maybe they'll ask for some sort of changes and I'll adapt and change the design to ensure it comes out exactly the way you want.

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